2009년 12월 1일 화요일

Weekly words #6

1.Achaeology : Archaeology is the study of the societies and peoples of the past by
examining the remains of their buildings, tools, and other objects.
-> His great love in life had always been archaeology.
2.jade : Jade is a hard stone, usually green in colour, that is used for making
jewellery and ornaments.
-> He liked the small made figures form apple green jade stone.
3.Scorching : Scorching or scorching hot weather or temperatures are very hot indeed.
->That race was run in scorching weather.
 FROM TIME magagine
 ->In the scorching heat of the PALESINIAN territories, you wouldn’t
think a woolly ski mask would be popular.
4.Wolly : Something t If you describe a person or their ideas as woolly, you are
criticizing them for being confused or vague.
a weak and woolly Government.
hat is woolly is made of wool or looks like wool.
-> She wore this woolly hat with pompoms.
5.Juicy : 1.moist, lush, succulent 2. interesting, colourful, sensational, vivid,
provocative, spicy, suggestive, racy...
 Its mobile phone rivals are juicing up their services to compete.
6.Stack up against : If you ask how one person or thing stacks up against other
people or things, you are asking how the one compares with the
-> How does this final presidential debate stack up and compare to the
others, do you think?

2009년 11월 30일 월요일

Regarding to my comment of NPR

I'd like to post my comment on my blogger about the below " Corps's negligence caused Katrina flooding ". That's because I couldn't add any comments to NPR.
I need to practice my writing. I got some advices from my dear teacher,Ms Sarah,.
Pls refer to the below "Regarding to Corp's Negligence Caused Katrina Flooding".
There are many natural disasters around the world. Whenever we experienced them,we could be easily helped by much assistance form soldiers. The people who were helped had no opportunity to appreciate the Corps for their work. It's a common fact. Though some people gave their hands to the victim, their endeavor made them suffer. If it's real, who can help them? I think criticizing the helpers is easy, but helping the sufferers is hard.

2009년 11월 19일 목요일

Weekly words (#5)

Weekly words (#5)

1.Swamp : an area of land that is permanently waterlogged but which has a dense covering of vegetation, eg, in certain tropical regions, trees and shrubs, such as mangroves or, in the more temperate zones, willows or reeds. Also [as adj].

A federal judge in New Orleans has ruled the U.S. government owes damages to residents whose homes were swamped by Hurricane Katrina's floodwaters in 2005.

2.Scathing : scornfully critical; detrimental.
In a sometimes scathing critique of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,

3.Critique : a critical analysis

4.levee: especially on the Lower Mississippi: the natural embankment of silt and sand that is deposited along the banks of a river or stream during flooding.
Duval found the Corps knew widening the channel would endanger levees

5.Crock : an earthenware pot.
This is such a crock.

6.Groundbreaking : innovative
A groundbreaking broadcast began as a local Chicago talk show.

Price Fight: Coke Isn't It At Costco (#6)

Summary ( #6)

Costco posted signs in its soft drink aisle that said: "At present we are not carrying Coke products because we cannot provide the value our customers deserve." Squabbles between large retailers and suppliers could become more common. In this economy, consumers are looking for the best bargain, and retailers want to be in a position to offer it.

Reaction (#6)

You like to drink Coke everyday ? I think if you are addicted to it, you had to consider changing the brand. In general, The dispute between the maker and consumer is always in progress. When it ends, the price shall rise up. The consumer is to accept his fate. That’s because he is weak. This is the truth.


'Oprah Winfrey Show' To Go Off The Air In 2011 (#8)

Summary ( #8)

Winfrey, who became a billionaire and one of the most powerful women in entertainment, plans to announce the final date for her show during a live broadcast on Friday, said Harpo Productions Inc. She has become one of the most successful in the history of broadcasting since 1984. She said that she came from nothing. No money. Not even my thoughts were my own. I had no free will. No voice. Now, I have the freedom, power, and will to speak to millions every day — having come from nowhere."

Reaction (#8)

I’ve heard about The Oprah Winfrey Show since 2000. In deed, I am very surprised at her success in the USA, especially as black race. In any meaning, she achieved at her beyond belief success. I believe that she did her best. This story tells me a good lesson.


2009년 11월 18일 수요일

Judge: Corps' Negligence Caused Katrina Flooding (#7)

Title : Corps's negligence caused Katrina flooding
source : Npr.org
Summary :

Summary ( #7)

A federal judge in New Orleans has ruled the U.S. government owes damages to residents whose homes were swamped by Hurricane Katrina's floodwaters in 2005. U.S. District Judge Stanwood Duval found "monumental negligence" in the operation and maintenance of a shipping channel called the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet.

Reaction (#7)
I think we can’t totally get rid of danger around us. Merely we should enjoy any situation without any risk taking. There is no exceptional Katrina’s flooding. We should take a consideration of the event.

Regarding to other reaction

Some people thought that mankind can’t get rid of all kinds of natural dangers. That’s
because God know the truth.
On the other hand, some say that if somebody neglects something, it should happen to be.

My idea is like this :
As you read about comments, it’s very an ordinary event to be happened. I feel that all you
have to do is do your best. An proverb tells us that “ a rolling stone gathers no moss.”


2009년 11월 12일 목요일

weekly words & idioms #4

1. eulogize : to praise someone or something very much
from the daily TEXAN
- Obama eulogizes Fort Hood's fallen.
2. the fallen(plural) : soldiers who have been killed in a war
- Somber ceremony acknowledges fallen soldiers in silence.
3. dismiss : to refuse to consider someone's idea, opinion etc. because you think it is not serious, true, or important
- He dismissed them as a routine training exercise.
4. bigoted: having such strong opinion about a group of people that you are willing to listen to anyone else's opinions
- some of the stuff people are saying makes all solders sound like bigots, and thay doesen't jive with me at all.
5. jive : to try to make someone believe something that is not true.

6. legacy : something that happens or exists as a result of things that happened at an earlier time.
- That is their legacy.

the above words from the daily Texan