Title : Corps's negligence caused Katrina flooding
source : Npr.org
Summary :
Summary ( #7)
A federal judge in New Orleans has ruled the U.S. government owes damages to residents whose homes were swamped by Hurricane Katrina's floodwaters in 2005. U.S. District Judge Stanwood Duval found "monumental negligence" in the operation and maintenance of a shipping channel called the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet.
Reaction (#7)
I think we can’t totally get rid of danger around us. Merely we should enjoy any situation without any risk taking. There is no exceptional Katrina’s flooding. We should take a consideration of the event.
Regarding to other reaction
Some people thought that mankind can’t get rid of all kinds of natural dangers. That’s
because God know the truth.
On the other hand, some say that if somebody neglects something, it should happen to be.
My idea is like this :
As you read about comments, it’s very an ordinary event to be happened. I feel that all you
have to do is do your best. An proverb tells us that “ a rolling stone gathers no moss.”
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