2009년 11월 12일 목요일

weekly words & idioms #4

1. eulogize : to praise someone or something very much
from the daily TEXAN
- Obama eulogizes Fort Hood's fallen.
2. the fallen(plural) : soldiers who have been killed in a war
- Somber ceremony acknowledges fallen soldiers in silence.
3. dismiss : to refuse to consider someone's idea, opinion etc. because you think it is not serious, true, or important
- He dismissed them as a routine training exercise.
4. bigoted: having such strong opinion about a group of people that you are willing to listen to anyone else's opinions
- some of the stuff people are saying makes all solders sound like bigots, and thay doesen't jive with me at all.
5. jive : to try to make someone believe something that is not true.

6. legacy : something that happens or exists as a result of things that happened at an earlier time.
- That is their legacy.

the above words from the daily Texan

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