2009년 11월 2일 월요일

weekly words

1.cocky: too confident about yourself and your ability, especially in a way
that annoys other people
He is a cocky little man and I don't like him.
2. dramatic :great and sudden, exciting or impressive, connected with acting or
plays, intended to be impressive
She said it was the most dramatic ecent of her life.
3. upside : the positive part of a situation that is generally bad
There is an upsideto the loss.
4.opium : a powerful illegal drug made from poppy seeds
Drugs made form opium are used to reduce severe pain.
5.deface: to spoil the surface or appearance of something, expecailly be writing on
it ot breaking it
Students absolutely deface their text books.
6.gorgeous:extremely beautiful or attrative
Isn't it gorgeous ?
7.to die for : greatly desired or deeply appreciated
I love your new dress ! It's to die for.

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