2009년 10월 29일 목요일

News of my choice " Toxic Chinese....

Summary and Reaction

According to the article, a simple material makes the poor panic. It’s being called a “ silent hurricane”. That’s because Toxic Chinese drywall creates a housing disaster. Between 2004 and 2007, an estimated 100,000 homes in more than 20 states were built with toxic drywall imported from China. Federal and state health officials will determine what the health effects might be for people who live in houses with the drywall.
But replacing Chinese dry wall in the United States could cost $15 billion to 25 billion. It could be called a social problem, health effects, lenders, the mortgage industry and judicial intervention. Who will be responsible for it ? Many citizens related to Toxic drywall are waiting for the results of investigation, The Consumer Product Safety Commission, of Chinese drywall wall. We should take a good lesson from this case. A little causes society the serious.

by Greg Allen / October 27, 2009
Greg Allen/NPR Tests Find Suspect Materials In Chinese Drywall May 21, 2009
Scope Widens In Tainted Chinese Drywall Cases In Florida Feb. 23, 2009

How to fold the paper airplane

First, you should take a piece of paper, A1 size and turn it uprightand begin by creasing it along the middle.
Second, fold and unfold the top triangles.
Third, fold down the top along a line marked by the end of the creased.
Fourth, fold the two upper triangles in half so as to bisect them.
Fifth, fold the upper large triangle up into the middle of the sheet and fold down both wings.
Finally, carefully open up the paper airplane, launch,hold near the back, underneath, and don't try to fly the work too quickly

2009년 10월 28일 수요일

Comparing the time of Rome with of the present "the revised"

Someone compares the Rome to the lake. Water flows to the lake. And also the civilization is similar to the lake. Today modern history comes from the Roman life something like lake. We used to imitate the olden times’ systems. The Rome has the politic system, legal system, Christian and language, “ Latin “. Above all things are used until now around the world.
Changing the times, there are many differences. The way to communicate with each other is different from the olden times. Take an instance, nowadays we have a cellular phone, an e-mail, fax, scan and DHL. We have too many options to ado-pt the communicating ways.
Time pasts quickly while not recognizing ourselves. We should remain our
culture to the younger generation as a heritage. Accordingly they should develop their Predecessor’s culture as part of their own culture whether it is useful or not. Descendants are responsible for developing their elder culture.

2009년 10월 26일 월요일

New Words

1. flame : hot bright burningg as that yousee when something is
on fire
- the word is from the Gladiator.
- The sky is full of flaming arrows.
2. trap : bad situation
- the word is from the Gladiator
- Maximus was trapped betweentwo Germans.
3. gravel : small stones, usedto make a surface for paths,
roads etc.
- the word is from the Gldiator
- The surface of the road is covered with loose gravel.
4. trivia : detailed facts about history, sport, famous people etc.
- the word is from the Gladiator
- A selection of golfing trivia.
5. Gladiator : a soldier who fought against other man or
wild animals as an entertainment in ancient Rome
- the word is from the Gladiator
6. emperor :the man who is the ruler of an empire
- the word is form the Gladiator
- emperor Marcus Aurelius
7. crocky ;

2009년 10월 22일 목요일

Investing with Jim Rogers

Summary and Reaction

This article, from CNN Asia Business Editor, Eunice Yoon, is about the way to invest in the current economic crisis. Jim Rogers, the famed commodities investor and author of new book "A Gift to My Children, says us the ways to make a lot of money. But his saying is very too simple and easy to adopt in reality. You know why ? I think we have already known a lot about various industries and gotten insightful advice from experts all the time.

Rogers gives us 3 tips to invest in the current economic crisis. First, Buy what you know. Second, don’t be cocky. The last, buy low, sell high. He recommends us be the farmer and buy the farm for the next year, 2010. I absolutely agree with him. Nowadays the price of the commodities - rice, oil, gold and vegetables etc. is getting higher and higher. We have to prepare for the future.


what does the dirt mean from the movie " Gladiator" ?

Regarding with the meaning "the dirt" from "Gladiator",
I think the General Maximus picking up the dirt is a kind of sign or habit and
make a decision.
Before being the General, he's been a farmer in Spain.
So he is familiar with the black earth.

Probably he always picks up the it before he makes an action.
And also he is always missing his hometown hoping to go back.
After the battle ends, he will be back to his home.e never forget his lovely family,home and all about thing in Spain.
Especially he likes the black earth.

Who' Kang ?


I'm Kang, Chung Geun , just calling me Kang.
I'm from Korea.
I have registered the fall semester right now.
I'm very happy to meet my teachers and classmates.
I came here to study English too.
I hope you to help me a lot.

Enjoy your life at Austin !