2009년 10월 26일 월요일

New Words

1. flame : hot bright burningg as that yousee when something is
on fire
- the word is from the Gladiator.
- The sky is full of flaming arrows.
2. trap : bad situation
- the word is from the Gladiator
- Maximus was trapped betweentwo Germans.
3. gravel : small stones, usedto make a surface for paths,
roads etc.
- the word is from the Gldiator
- The surface of the road is covered with loose gravel.
4. trivia : detailed facts about history, sport, famous people etc.
- the word is from the Gladiator
- A selection of golfing trivia.
5. Gladiator : a soldier who fought against other man or
wild animals as an entertainment in ancient Rome
- the word is from the Gladiator
6. emperor :the man who is the ruler of an empire
- the word is form the Gladiator
- emperor Marcus Aurelius
7. crocky ;

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