2009년 10월 22일 목요일

Investing with Jim Rogers

Summary and Reaction

This article, from CNN Asia Business Editor, Eunice Yoon, is about the way to invest in the current economic crisis. Jim Rogers, the famed commodities investor and author of new book "A Gift to My Children, says us the ways to make a lot of money. But his saying is very too simple and easy to adopt in reality. You know why ? I think we have already known a lot about various industries and gotten insightful advice from experts all the time.

Rogers gives us 3 tips to invest in the current economic crisis. First, Buy what you know. Second, don’t be cocky. The last, buy low, sell high. He recommends us be the farmer and buy the farm for the next year, 2010. I absolutely agree with him. Nowadays the price of the commodities - rice, oil, gold and vegetables etc. is getting higher and higher. We have to prepare for the future.


댓글 3개:

  1. Great, Kang. This is a good example of what I wanted you to do!

  2. ey... Kang i like ur news... its important for someone who wants to become a bussiness man... 3 important tips, thats what u need for be an amateur bussiness man...!!! In th eguture Im gooing to be a bussiness man and im going to take ur points for take a gob way!!!

  3. The commodities are the new gold. The prices of sugar, potatoes, rice and other commodities are very expensive because the fuel industry requiered of them, to mix with gas.
